Message From the Director
Dear Families,
If it seems that I am missing, it's because I am. I will be traveling Friday and Monday back home to Indiana and Ohio to attend my son's engagement party. This is an exciting time for our family and I don't want to miss a single minute. As you experience such milestones in your own children's lives, you will understand!
The eclipse was an awe inspiring experience. The clouds seemed to part at exactly the right moment to reveal the historic event we were all experiencing. Listening to the childrens' squeals of excitement and seeing them gaze up with awe, was memorable for me. I hope it was a memorable experience for you.
We will be recycling the eclipse glasses through the company Eclipse Glasses USA. Please bring your child's eclipse glasses Friday when you attend conferences. The glasses will be sent to Latin America so school-aged children can experience the Annular Eclipse that will happen there in October of 2024. Check out their recycling program here.
Parent/Teacher Conferences are tomorrow and there is NO SCHOOL for children. If you require childcare during your conference, please be sure you registered. If you forgot, please email Toni, Office Manager at as soon as possible. Remember childcare is ONLY for WRM students.
Community Work Day is Saturday! Please be sure to read below about the projects that we hope to complete on Saturday. If you have yet to complete your 10 hours of service to WRM, this is a great opportunity for you and your family.
We need your help! For our Earth Day recycling project, Ms. Holly needs recycled water bottles and plastic bottle tops! Please collect them and bring them to Parent/Teacher conferences or send them April 15-19th. Thank you!
We finished up our book study on The Gift of Failure
. I want to thank the parents who attended and made the parent education event so worth my time! We will look forward to next year and offer similar events where parents can connect and learn from not only resources, but from each other. If you missed it and don't have the book, you can check out this article by Montessorian Chip DeLorenzo on " Mistakes are Opportunities to Learn
Have a great weekend. I'll see you all on Tuesday.
Coffee with Brenda
Please mark Monday, May 13 at 8:45 on your calendar for our next and last Coffee with Brenda. Parents have asked to learn more about the Montessori Planes of Development and I shared that I have a wonderful activity to help parents understand child development characteristics at each level. Come join us for this last coffee of the year. I hope to see you there!
Parent Teacher Conferences-Tomorrow
April 12, 2024
April 12 and parent/teacher conferences are quickly approaching. Please use this Sign-Up Genius link
to schedule your appointment time. Remember to request childcare if you are in need and note there is no school that day for students.
Walkathon Was AMAZING!
Thank you to all of the parent volunteers and The Parent Community for helping to coordinate and providing fruit popscicles for the children. Also thank you to those of you who donated to help pay for our International Peace Site flag pole and Peace Garden.
Lower Elementary parents be sure to ask your children about caring for our flags. Lower Elementary children are the "flag keepers" for our school and are taking their responsiblity very seriously!
2024-25 Calendar
Please use this link
to access the more detailed 2024-25 school calendar. We've added some Parent Community events, so be sure to check those out and plan now!
Community Work Day
April 13, 9:00-12:00
Have you completed your 10 hours of volunteer time here at WRM? Please join us for our last community work day. Please sign up here.
Here are some of the projects that will be happening Saturday:
Rebuild Raised Garden Bed
Plant Flowers at the Front Entrance and Student Patio Gardens
Clean Sandboxes and Return Displaced Sand
Weeding and Pruning Across Campus
Reinforce Kiddie Cushion (mulch) on the Primary Outdoor Play Space
Reconnect Water Tanks
Thank you for your service and for giving back to WRM.
Spring Concert!

AMS Family Connections
Access the April AMS Family Connections
here. This month the articles are about Human Tendencies and Praise vs. Acknowledgement in a Montessori Home.
Message From The Parent Community
I hope you were able to experience the total solar eclipse today! What an incredible opportunity to be in the path of totality.
bring your Eclipse Glasses to school on Friday
when you're there for Family Conferences. TPC will collect them and send them to
Eclipse Glasses USA
, who will then repackage usable glasses and send them to schools in Latin America so school-aged children can view the October 2024 Annular Eclipse. Let's pass them forward!
We still need 6 volunteers to lead Community Work Day projects THIS Saturday morning.
The only ask is that you arrive at 8:30am (instead of 9:00am) to get instructions from Mr. Connery, and then serve as a point person for a project. See the projects below and sign up now
We also need help to plan Faculty & Staff Appreciation Week! This is a fun project: the team will come up with a theme, and then put together a week's worth of events and activities to show our amazing team how much we appreciate all they do for our children and families. Sign up
Earth Day!
Mark your calendars for April 22. It's Earth Day! This year's Earth Day Theme is Planet vs. Plastics. You can check out learning activities and information on the official Earth Day website.
Here at WRM we will be engaging in many Earth Day activities.
Montessori Roundtable Education Event
Tuesday, April 16 from 6:15-8:00 at Lumin Education. Come and learn about Optimal Schedules and Systems that Work for the Entire Family
. Check out this sneak peak video. There is childcare available. Please see the evite
to register. If you are going to attend this event, please email Brenda and let me know. Childcare is contingent on attendance and is provided by WRM employees. Thank you!
DAA (Diversity Awareness & Advocacy)
Link to the DAA Curriculum on our WRM website:
White Rock Montessori is proud to recognize Ability Awareness Month. We strive to honor the abilities in each of us, recognizing that there may be vast differences among us. As we come together as a community, we find strength in the myriad of abilities we each bring to our shared environments. We invite you to honor each of your own abilities, those of your children and each other.
Here are some resources
you may find helpful in facilitating conversations with your children.
"Peace cannot exist without justice." -Dr. Maria Monessori.
Please join us on Thursday, May 2 for our last DAA Coffee Chat of the 2024-25 school year!