Message From the Director
Dear Families,
Wednesday morning I was able to spend a bit of time with our "Director of the Day", Audrey. Audrey is one of our amazing 5th Years who now has an inside look at different facets of our school. Audrey got to complete targeted observations in classrooms, learn about the business side of the school, review a few emails, get accurate counts for eclipse glasses, and distribute those to teachers. We also got to go to lunch with her parents, Marcy and Pat. Audrey's older siblings graduated from White Rock Montessori and it was fun learning about where they are now! Audrey won the "Director for the Day" in the raffle at the Annual Event. Thank you to her parents and The Parent Community for this fun raffle. I had a great time getting to know Audrey better.
Founders' Day was a huge success and a celebration that was long overdue. Thank you to our volunteers and faculty that helped make this a memorable event. Please take a look at the video
of this first annual day of celebration in honor of our founders.

Monday's total solar eclipse is the biggest astronomy event of the decade. We won't witness another spectacle from the United States until August of 2044 and then again in 2045. Please be sure to read below about WRM plans for the eclipse. If you choose to experience this historic event at home with your child, enjoy! It will be something they will always remember.
Have a great weekend,
Coffee with Brenda
Please mark Monday, May 13 at 8:45 on your calendar for our next and last Coffee with Brenda. Parents have asked to learn more about the Montessori Planes of Development and I shared that I have a wonderful activity to help parents understand child development characteristics at each level. Come join us for this last coffee of the year. I hope to see you there!
Parent Teacher Conferences
April 12, 2024
April 12 and parent/teacher conferences are quickly approaching. Please use this Sign-Up Genius link
to schedule your appointment time. Remember to request childcare if you are in need and note there is no school that day for students.
Walkathon Is Tomorrow!
April 5, 2024
Book Study
Please remember our book study of the book, The Gift of Failure,
continues and concludes on Monday, April 8. Please read the reamining chapters and come with "ah-ha's" and essential questions.
Thank you to the parents who are participating. You are an amazing group!
2024-25 Calendar
Please use this link
to access the more detailed 2024-25 school calendar.
Community Work Day
April 13, 9:00-12:00
Have you completed your 10 hours of volunteer time here at WRM? Please join us for our last community work day. Please sign up here. Look for more information soon about what projects we will be tackling that day.
AMS Family Connections
Access the April AMS Family Connections
here. This month the articles are about Human Tendencies and Praise vs. Acknowledgement in a Montessori Home.
The Parent Community
Sign-&-Go Events
Our adults-only events are coming up quickly, and there are only 7 spots left:
Sat., Apr. 6th - Dallas Party Bikes! - 5
spots left!
Mon., Apr. 8th - Mahjong & Margaritas! -
spots left!
We need volunteers for a few more projects!
Has your family completed the requested 10 hours of volunteer service this year? Don't worry - there's plenty of time! Sign up
to help out with planning teams
for Faculty & Staff Appreciation Week, Community Work Day (project leaders - just half-day commitment!), or Spring Fling.
Can't commit to a planning team? No problem! One-shot volunteer opportunities
are available, too! Stay tuned for info on F&S Appreciation Week and Field Day opportunities, and sign up for Community Work Day
on April 13th now!
Hope to see you soon!
Earth Day!
Mark your calendars for April 22. It's Earth Day! This year's Earth Day Theme is Planet vs. Plastics. You can check out learning activities and information on the official Earth Day website.
Here at WRM we will be engaging in many Earth Day activities. We need your help! For our Earth Day recycling project, Ms. Holly needs recycled water bottles and plastic bottle tops! Please collect them and send them April 8-11th, the week of parent conferences.
Montessori Roundtable Education Event
Tuesday, April 16 from 6:15-8:00 at Lumin Education. Come and learn about Optimal Schedules and Systems that Work for the Entire Family
. There is childcare available. Please see the evite
to register. If you are going to attend this event, please email Brenda and let me know. Childcare is contingent on attendance. Thank you!
DAA (Diversity Awareness & Advocacy)
Link to the DAA Curriculum on our WRM website:
White Rock Montessori is proud to recognize Ability Awareness Month. We strive to honor the abilities in each of us, recognizing that there may be vast differences among us. As we come together as a community, we find strength in the myriad of abilities we each bring to our shared environments. We invite you to honor each of your own abilities, those of your children and each other.
Here are some resources
you may find helpful in facilitating conversations with your children.
"Peace cannot exist without justice." -Dr. Maria Monessori.
Please join us on Thursday, May 2 for our last DAA Coffee Chat of the 2024-25 school year!