Message From the Director
Dear Families,
I'd like to welcome our newest student Madison Strother, who just joined the Toddler environment! Madison joins her brother Everett who is in Primary 2. Seeing the youngest of our children walk through the front doors always reminds me of the Dr. Maria Montessori quote, "The education of even a small child does not aim at preparing him for school but for life. The most important age of life is not the age of university studies, but the first one, the period from birth to the age of 6. What the hand does the mind remembers".
I am very excited to host "Coffee with Brenda" on Monday, March 4 at 8:45 in the Spanish Room. We will be discussing Montessori Learner Outcomes and I need your input! So much of a Montessori education is difficult to quantify. In January, during our professional development day, the staff participated in an exercise to define characteristics of a Montessori graduate. I want parents to go through that very same exercise. I'll also share what the faculty believes to be Montessori outcomes. An alumni parent is joining us and I'm anxious to here what characteristics he sees within his own 30-something daughters. I know what I see in my 25 year old son. I want to hear what YOU hope to see someday in your children. All of this work will be compiled into a White Rock Montessori Portrait of a Graduate. Please join us if you can!
Parent Kira Hartgrove volunteered to put together a White Rock Montessori Cookbook! Please send your favorite receipe (it doesn't have to be original) by March 1. She only has a few and we NEED yours! See more information below.
Thank you once again to The Parent Community for putting on such an amazing Annual Event. I had such a great time. TPC leadership was very happy with the ticket sales (120 sold tickets) and turnout that evening. I appreciate everyone who came out in support of the school. I'm excited for the future and all of the initiatives The Parent Community has planned for the 2024-25 school year!
Have a nice weekend and I'll see "Team Connie" Saturday for the Ferguson Road Initiative Beautification Day.
Book Study
The books, The Gift of Failure
, have arrived! If you signed up to join our book study, please stop in to pick up your book or send me an email ( and I will send the book home with your child. Here are the details:
4 sessions; Monday, March 18 will be the first meeting
6:30-7:45 in the Middle School environment
Please read the Introduction and Chapters 1 & 2 for our first meeting.
Please come to the first session with two "ah-ha's" and two essential quesions ready to share.
See you there!
Ferguson Road Cleanup This Saturday!
Operation Beautification Litter Clean-Up
March 2 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
We will meet a little before 9:00 at Owenwood Farm & Neighbor Space.
Please remember your canned food for the White Rock Center of Hope Food Drive. We will bring the "Team Connie" t-shirts Saturday morning. If you ordered one, please be ready to just slip it on and join in the cleanup. Thank you!
Lost and Found
Our Lost and Found is down to two table! Please help these items find a home. Katie, WRM Technology Coordinator, took a wonderful
of our Lost and Found table. Please watch it at your leisure and let us know if any of these items are yours! Anything that doesn't find a home will be donated at the end of business Monday, March 4.
Financial Assistance
Families interested in applying for financial assistance through FACTS Grant and Aid can access the portal
here. The deadline to apply is March 8, 2024.
AMS Family Connections
Access the February AMS Family Connections
This month the articles are about the Absorbent Mind and Tips for Cooking With Your Child. Enjoy!
Good Neighbor Program at
Tom Thumb
Earn money while you shop at Tom Thumb!

Our Good Neighbor Number is: 2881
Thank you!
Let's Make a Cookbook!
We need your help! We are putting together a Cookbook for the 2023-24 school year, and would love to collect all of your favorite family recipes to share with the WRM community.
Our plan is to use Morris Press Cookbooks
, who have prepared templates that we can use. They will print them for us to distribute! WRM Parent Kira Hartgrove has used them in the past with fabulous results. |
Please send your well-loved recipes to Kira Hartgrove at
by March 1st,
so that we can submit them to the printers before the end of the month.
We look forward to creating this lovely memento with you! |
DAA (Diversity Awareness & Advocacy)
Link to the DAA Curriculum on our WRM website:
White Rock Montessori’s Diversity, Advocacy and Awareness curriculum is proud to recognize February as Gender Diversity.
Here are a few resources as outlined in our DAA curriculum that you can use to have conversations about gender with your student:
Primary; Red
; A Crayon's Story by Michael Hall and/or Neither
by Airlie Anderson
Lower Elementary; I Am Jazz
by Herthel and Jennings and/or From the Stars in the Sky to the Fish in the Sea
by Kai Cheng Thom
Upper Elementary; Jaime is Jaime: A Book About Being Yourself and Playing Your Way
by Afsaneh Moradian